domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2008
Eclipso - DC Comics Super Villain

viernes, 1 de agosto de 2008
X-Men Origins: Wolverine
X-men origin: Wolverine is another much awaited movie of Hugh Jackman and said it will be shown in our favorite movie theater on May 1, 2009. Based on this teaser video that I’ve watched it has also new marvel characters we can watch and the most I like is this superhero characters, “Gambit and Weapon 11” (although I’m not much sure if Gambit is one of character that I saw on the trailer). One more thing, the movie was more on the origin of Logan as a soldier into how he became Wolverine and a part of it is between the villains, Sabrettooth and other marvel characters. This movie will definitely sure big block buster for the year of 2009 by Hugh Jackman and other talented actors including Liev Schreiber, Danny Huston, and Ryan Reynolds.
viernes, 18 de abril de 2008
The Flash - 1990 TV series music Danny Elfman Shirley Walker
The Flash is a fictional comic superhero character from the DC Comics Universe which once been called as The Scarlet Speedster. The character possesses “super-speed” which includes the ability to run and move extremely fast coming from the use of superhuman reflexes and seemingly violate certain law of physics. The Flash was also featured or rejoined in the animated series group the justice league.
All incarnations of the Flash has the ability to move, think, and react at superhuman speeds; and vibrate so fast that the Flash can walk through walls. However, when Barry Allen pushed himself further more he appeared to waste away as he was converted into pure kinetic energy, traveled back in time, and was revealed to be the very bolt of lightning that gave him his powers. He could run on thick snow clouds. Most unusual was Allen's complete control of his molecules, allowing him to vibrate through solid matter and, on one occasion when transformed into a mirror, "melt" him and reform as a human to defeat his foe, the Mirror Master.
sábado, 23 de febrero de 2008
Cyclops | The Tribute
Cyclops is one of the fictional characters of Marvel superhero the field leader of the group X-Men which created by the writer Stan Lee and artist/co-writer Jack Kirby. It first appeared in the X-Men on September 1963 before he originally dubbed as Slim Summer but later it was change to Scott Summer and Slim become his nickname. Scott was the son of Corsair (not mutant), brother of Havok and Volcan and the father of Cable, Marvel Girl, and X-Man and the widower of Jean Grey and Madelyn Pryor. He had a powerful “Optic Blast” coming from his eyes which always also forcing him to wear specialized glasses and combat visor.
Cyclops was the first recruited student by Professor Charles Xavier and one of the original members of X-Men. In his origin, Scott was boy coming from an Anchorage, Alaska in the United States but his father USAF Major Christopher Summers takes them in their de Havilland Mosquito. His ability is accidentally happening when it strikes in the head upon landing of the parachute under the attack of an alien Shi’ar spaceship, and cause brain damage to him and uncontrolled to his optic blast.
Note: In 2006, this character has been list as the number one in the Top 25 X-Men from the past forty years which rated by IGN.com.